Inspection Reports
Inspection Reports
Available through an online portal, our inspection reports are organized into categories to make it easier for you to see what's most important. Our reports are available online for you to read from anywhere.
Click here to see sample reports.
understanding our inspection reports
Informational item
Color coded blue, informational items are considered to be more DIY in nature. These items tend to be less vital to be fixed prior to closing, but still important for buyers to be aware of. Examples include dirty furnace filters, smoke detector batteries and age of appliances.
Repair needed
Color coded orange, repair needed items are not urgent safety hazards, however they are safety and/or functionality deficiencies found in the home that should be addressed. Examples include missing safety features such as outlet covers or stair handrails, leaking plumbing, or improperly wired outlets.
Immediate action needed
Red colored items are safety and functionality deficiencies that either pose an immediate risk or should be repaired prior to anyone occupying the home. Examples include exposed wiring, mold, damaged roof trusses and unsafe foundation conditions.
Home inspection reports are simply a snap shot of the condition of the readily accessible systems of the home at the time of inspection. Latent and concealed defects and deficiencies are excluded from the inspection.
A home inspection report is not a guarantee, nor is it a list of items required to be negotiated with the seller. The use of a home inspection report is best determined by you and your real estate agent in your decision making process.