Sewer Scope Inspections

finding hidden issues

Did you know the average cost to snake a sewer line runs about $275?  To clear a sewer line clog, the project can cost between a few hundred dollars at the low end and over $1,000 on the high end for clogs presenting a challenge to access or requiring excavation.  Doesn't make adding one on to your home inspection for only $150 seem so bad does it?

A sewer scope inspection involves the use of a specialized camera to inspect the condition of the sewer line that runs from the house to the main sewer line. This inspection provides an in-depth look at the condition of the sewer line and can reveal any issues that may affect the functionality of the sewer system. Some common issues that can be uncovered during a sewer scope inspection include cracks, blockages, and roots growing into the line.


Many older homes (build prior to 1980) don't have an easily accessible sewer clean out valve which limits the inspection.  A sewer scope can still be performed through a roof plumbing vent, but the scope may not reach the main sewer line as the scope has a 100 foot limit.