Mold Testing

safer air quality

Did you know indoor air quality is the leading cause of asthma in children and respiratory illness and disease in adults?  You may want to test for mold in your home if: 

Mold testing can help determine if elevated mold levels are present and what kind of mold there is.  We can perform both air sampling and surface sampling.  

While mold testing is not a guarantee, it can provide information to make more informed decisions regarding the safety of a home.  

Mold testing

We offer mold testing as an add on service with residential home inspections.  If we suspect mold during a home inspection, we will call to ask if you would like to add a mold test at a discount.  

One page of a sample report is pictured to the left.  Reports include:

We can perform both mold air quality and surface samples.  Mold testing is $200 for a stand alone test, but you receive a significant discount if added to a residential home inspection!  An add on mold test is only $150 which includes the lab fees!